Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It can't possibly last...

It started last week out of the blue. I refer to Kevin's compliance willingness eagerness to take a nap. I thought the first time was a fluke, but it has continued.

He was starting to fuss, as he is wont to do, around his nap time one day last week and I said to him, "It's time for a nap" and turned to get his bottle ready (yes, I still give him a bottle at nap and bedtime...I'm a chicken, OK?...OKAY?! Are ya happy now?).


Sorry. Back to it.

He started to run back to the living room while I was pouring the milk and I figured I'd be chasing him in a minute. Much to my surprise, when I turned around he was holding his Mickey that he sleeps with (that's my boy!) with a big smile on his face. I cautiously walked toward him, not daring to hope, and he turned and walked over to the baby gate at the bottom of the steps. I opened it and he started climbing the stairs while holding Mickey. I followed him up in utter amazement. He hustled through my room and into his, walked over and turned on his sound machine, and turned to me with his arms up to put him in his crib. I. could. not. believe. it.

He's been doing this ever since. I don't expect it to last, but it is so adorable. I want to try to videotape it, but I'm afraid he'll just stare at the camera and then, of course, not do it...


Baby John's Crib said...

Ummm, yeah. How'd you get so lucky?

I'm one jealous biatch right now. The only time my kid wants to nap/go nite nite means he's sick.


Mama Bear said...

Ok, I'm JEALOUS. You're getting into naps, mine aren coming OUT of them, grrrrrr...

JUST got Emily off the bottle and she is 27 months! The only one of four that I had soooo many issues getting her off! Now onto potty training, eyyyeyyyyyooooooo

Twiddles said...

That sounds beyond adorable! I would definitely kill to see that. Maybe you can have the camera on and propped up in the room, so we can at least see the pick-me-up request? So cute! :)