Thursday, October 18, 2007

I love this!

My mom bought Kevin this outfit and I just love it...

He's crawling pretty well now. He managed to make it to me today with a distance of about 5 feet. I thought about backing up, but didn't want to frustrate the boy. Here's some action shots getting to a toy...

Some "outside" shots...that is not my grass that needs cut. ahem.


Terry said...

What a cutie!!!

Hey...if Kevin is any thing like Tommy, you could put him outside and he'd eat up all of that grass for ya. Looks like he's already handling the leaves! LOL


Kristen and the Gang said...

How cute does Kevin look in that outfit...good choice MOM!!! but then again...he would look cute in a paper bag!!!

Andrea said...

Very cute! He looks ALL BOY in that outfit. Love the little vest.

Melissa said...

That little outfit is adorable!

I love that last picture of Kevin. It looks like he's just ready to take a bite out of that leaf.