Tuesday, January 15, 2008

He's getting so big!

I measured Kevin today. He's 29 inches tall and 19 lbs now. That puts him at about the 60 percentile for height, right now, and at about the 5 percentile for weight. The weight is actually an improvement because he wasn't even on the charts last month. The funny thing is that he's doing better on milk than he was on formula. It may be a coincidence, but there it is. His height to weight ratio is at about the 12 percentile mark. Again, he wasn't on the charts last month. I'm pleased with his progress...


Twiddles said...

Wow, Kevin weighs 6 pounds less than my pug Babar. WOW. Now I'm not sure if you've got a small kid, or I've got a majorly overweight pug. I'm gonna lean on the fat pug side of this issue. Since Kevin looks pretty normal sized to me. :) He's so cute, too!

Baby John's Crib said...

Sounds like Kevin is doing well! He is just too cute, I love his pics.

Do you ever get his HC? I just wondered. John is always at the lowest end on that scale, but doesn't seem to have any issues...... I'm curious where other Guate babes are.

Tam said...

pug & i-Kevin is skinny so it's not all your Pug. Your Pug looks downright svelte compared to Cassie!

Tracy-Yes, when he has a doctor's appointment he gets his HC and it's small, also. The current measurements are the ones I did at home and I didn't do HC...

Donna said...

WOW!! What a big boy! He's growing so much!
And now I feel like a ninny because I don't know what HC means!?! Eeks? Help!

Tam said...

Donna-Don't feel like a ninny! HC=Head Circumfrence...

Nikki said...

Aww, he is adorable. What a cutie!

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